Publications and Reports
North American "Decking Related" Analysis-Reports
Discounts are available for NADRA members through the NADRA.ORG website
1a: “North American Deck Market” Report (Short version)
The report contains:
Historic (25-year) market volume development.
Key research bullet points.
Key materials summaries.
Market positions review.
Overview of the north American deck market showing summary data from the top ten states.
Summary of the number and replacement value of total current deck stock by age.
Product spread by material/content.
Region summaries by the nine sub-divisions showing state value and volume summaries
State specific summaries showing the top ten county values and volumes and total aged structure.
List price: $2,500 per copy

1b: “North American Deck Market” Report (Long version)
The report contains:
Historic (25-year) market volume development.
Key research bullet points.
Key materials summaries.
Market positions review.
Overview of the north American deck market showing summary data from the top ten states.
Summary of the number and replacement value of total current deck stock by age.
Product spread by material/content.
Region summaries by the nine sub-divisions showing state value and volume summaries
State specific summaries showing the top ten county values and volumes and total aged structure.
Data values (volumes and values) at county level by state
Market potential
Data values (volumes and values) at county level by state
List price: $12,450 per copy

1c: Individual state reports (Long versions)
State specific data summaries showing all counties volumes and replacement values.
Wyoming, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine, Alaska. List price: $ 725 per state
West Virginia, New Mexico, Nebraska, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Arkansas, Hawaii, Iowa, Nevada, Kansas. List Price: $1,075 per state
Kentucky, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana, Utah, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Connecticut. List Price: $1,345 per state
Wisconsin, Indiana, Maryland, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan. Georgia. List Price: $1,650 per state
Washington, Ohio, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, Florida, New York, Texas, California List Price: $1,975 per state
2: “North American Deck/Railing Market” Report (Long version)
List price: $6,350 per copy
The report contains:
Historic (25-year) market volume development.
Key research bullet points.
Key materials summaries.
Market positions review.
Overview of the north American deck/railing market showing summary data from the top ten states.
Summary of the number and replacement value of total current deck stock by age.
Product spread by material/content.
Region summaries by the nine sub-divisions showing state value and volume summaries
State specific summaries showing the top ten county values and volumes and total aged structure.
Data values (volumes and values) at county level by state
Market potential
Data values (volumes and values) at county level by state
List price: $6,350 per copy

3: Canadian “Residential Deck “Market Report
The report contains:
Key materials summaries.
Market positions review.
Overview of the Canadian market showing summary data from the main nine states.
Summary of the number and replacement value of total current deck stock by age.
Product spread by material/content.
Data values (volumes and values) at county level
List price: $1,975 per copy

4: Installer/Contractor Analysis Report
The report contains:
Activity branding recognition.
Contractor footprint by manufacturer pro-levels.
Overview of the contractor market footprint through the main nine regions.
Composite (top 5) manufacturers contractor footprint.
The report is presented in power-point format only
Contractor brand loyalty by composite manufacturer.
Market value proposition by contractor and composite manufacturers.
Contractor footprint hot-spotting.
List price: $3,375 per copy

5: a & b “North American Deck Market” Report
(Home Depot & Lowe’s Exclusive)
List price: $2,375 per copy

Summary of the number and replacement value of total current deck stock by age and original build sector by state, relative to the number of stores in each state.
A view on the latent market potential as visualised through the data presented.

6: “North Amercian Deeck Market” Sales V capacity in WPC Composite decking manufacturing (highlighting the top 5 US producers)
List price: $3,375 per copy
The report contains:
Value and tonnage estimate of the production capacity V sales for the period 2019-2025. Inclusive of analysis calculations and summaries.
The report is presented in power-point format only
Note: The analysis generated within the document is for general guidance only and to enable the opportunity to leverage the purchasers own market information.
*An open spreadsheet option is available to enable personalisation of data in-house.

7: International Business Development Report
(Valuing the regional and country market potential 2022-2026)
List price: $2,375 per copy
The report contains:
Market valuing projections by region
Top 19 targetable countries by wealth
Market value projections by region/country
Solid V hollow product potential outside of North America
The report is presented in power-point format only
Note: The analysis generated within the document is for general guidance only and to enable the opportunity to leverage the purchasers own market information.